

Unlock Radiant Skin with the Revolutionary Carbon Facial

No Downtime, Just Glow

Red carpet treatment with advanced carbon spectra laser technology ​

UNCOVER Laser, Skin & Hair Clinic in Delhi NCR proudly presents the Carbon Facial, a cutting-edge treatment that promises a celebrity-like glow. Known as one of the best skin clinics in Gurgaon, we offer this advanced carbon laser peel to heal, repair, and enhance your skin’s natural radiance.


Unlock Radiant Skin with the Revolutionary Carbon Facial

No Downtime, Just Glow


Get 10% off on your first Carbon Facial with us!

01 What is carbon facial?

The Carbon Facial is a revolutionary skincare treatment that combines the detoxifying benefits of carbon with the innovative laser technology to offer deep pore cleansing, skin rejuvenation, and a glowing complexion. This treatment is particularly effective for addressing Acne Scarring, Uneven Skin Tone, and Large Pores, making it a versatile solution for various skin concerns.

02 Benefits

Carbon facials reflect an instant glow providing long term benefits like improving skin texture and minimizing the appearance of pores. Regular sessions help in reducing acne scars and pigmentation. Its an effective treatment with no downtime. 

03 How is it performed?

A thin layer of medical-grade carbon lotion is applied to the skin’s surface which has the ability to absorb oils and impurities from the skin. Our specialized Q-Switch laser is then used to target any dead skin cells, excess oils, and other impurities from the skin’s surface. 

04 Who is it for?

This facial is suitable for all skin types and works wonders on many skin concerns like stubborn acne, oily skin and congested pores. 

The Carbon Facial is a revolutionary skincare treatment that combines the detoxifying benefits of carbon with the innovative laser technology to offer deep pore cleansing, skin rejuvenation, and a glowing complexion. This treatment is particularly effective for addressing Acne Scarring, Uneven Skin Tone, and Large Pores, making it a versatile solution for various skin concerns.


  • Acne Scarring: Significantly reduces the appearance of post-acne marks and scars.
  • Uneven Skin Tone: Evens out skin tone, enhancing skin clarity and radiance.
  • Large Pores: Minimises the appearance of enlarged pores, resulting in smoother skin.


  • Deep Pore Cleansing: The carbon laser peel deeply cleanses the pores, removing oil, dirt, and other impurities.
  • Skin Rejuvenation: Stimulates collagen production, improving skin elasticity and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Improved Skin Texture: Leaves the skin feeling smoother, softer, and more vibrant.
  • Quick and Comfortable: A fast, effective treatment with no downtime, allowing for an immediate return to your daily activities.


The Carbon Facial, also known as the carbon laser peel, is a versatile treatment that caters to a wide range of skin types and concerns, making it suitable for both younger and older adults seeking to enhance their skin’s appearance and health. It is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing:

  • Uneven Skin Texture and Tone: The carbon facial effectively smoothens the skin’s texture and evens out its tone, providing a more uniform and radiant complexion.
  • Acne and Acne Scarring: This treatment is excellent for those looking to reduce the visibility of acne marks and scars, offering a clearer and smoother skin surface.
  • Enlarged Pores: The laser technology used in carbon facials helps to minimise the appearance of large pores, resulting in a refined skin texture.
  • Early Signs of Aging: By stimulating collagen production, the carbon facial addresses fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a more youthful appearance.


Ideal for anyone seeking a non-invasive yet effective solution to common skin concerns, the Carbon Facial at UNCOVER Clinics stands out as a premier choice for achieving a celebrity-like glow with minimal downtime.

Why Choose UNCOVER Clinics for Your Carbon Facial?


Happy patient stories

Our results speak for themselves!

The carbon facial treatment gave my skin a radiant glow like never before!


I was amazed at how smooth and rejuvenated my skin felt after the carbon facial.


Carbon facials are my go-to for clear and refreshed skin – highly recommend!


Say goodbye to dullness – carbon facials transformed my complexion!


Experience the Glow with Carbon Facial

Choose UNCOVER Laser, Skin & Hair Clinic for your Carbon Facial and discover the secret to a flawless, celebrity-like glow. Our dedication to excellence and innovative skincare solutions ensures a transformative experience for every client.

Typically, a Carbon Facial session lasts around 30 minutes to 1 hour, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

The procedure is generally well-tolerated and virtually painless. Some patients might experience a mild warming sensation during the laser application.

No, there's no downtime required after a Carbon Facial. You can resume your regular activities immediately.

Noticeable results can be seen after just one session, but for optimal and cumulative benefits, a series of treatments is usually recommended. Our professionals will create a personalized treatment plan based on your skin's needs.

Prior to your Carbon Facial, avoid excessive sun exposure and harsh skincare products. Attend a consultation to discuss your skin's needs. After the treatment, use a gentle cleanser, hydrate, and apply sunscreen daily. Skip makeup for 24 hours, and avoid exfoliation, aggressive treatments, and heat. Follow any specific instructions from your skincare professional to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Book Your Carbon Facial Today

Ready to experience the ultimate skin transformation? Book your Carbon Facial at UNCOVER Clinics now and take the first step towards radiant, healthy skin.

Achieve a Celebrity-Like Glow – Schedule Your Carbon Facial at UNCOVER Clinics Now!

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